Mrs. Karen McPherson

Mrs. Karen McPherson, TPDCo’s Internal Auditor, has 17 years’ experience in the field of auditing and accounting, 15 of which she has spent auditing varied types of Public sector entities. She specialises in Performance audits and has been exposed to compliance, operational and financial statement audits. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and a Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors.
She holds a professional certificate from the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants and a Masters in Business Administration majoring in Management from the University of Technology. She is a trained facilitator and is a certified by the International Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) as a trained facilitator specialising in performance audits.
Mrs. McPherson also volunteers her services by serving as the honorary auditor of the Jamaica Civil Service Association. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and focuses on developing the talent of her team members.